Available for Seasonal Leasing
Welcome to Rivers Edge Cabins that are now available for seasonal leasing. As you can see each cabin looks on to the Nahatlatch River with picnic tables and fire pits for your enjoyment. Do not leave your fire unattended. Inside each cabin there’s a propane lamp, stove and fridge, along with a wood stove to keep you warm. Please do not leave your lamp burning all night or when you are away from the cabin. This also applies to candles. There are pots and pans inside the cabin, please do not use them on the outside fire pits.
The washrooms are open from April 1 to Thanksgiving weekend. There is also a shower stall with camping shower bags that you will have to fill with water.
We are fully leased for the 2020 season. Please contact us now for your opportunity to have one of our cabins for the 2021 season.
The Cabins are Closed After Thanksgiving weekend to April 1.
All prices in Canadian Funds plus GST.

Call now to lease your cabin!
You can make contact by phone for seasonal leases to the Rivers Edge Cabins by calling 604-206-9882 or by email at and we will be very pleased to speak with you about seasonal leasing at the Rivers Edge Cabins located on the Nahatlatch River in "Beautiful British Columbia".
Enjoy your time vacationing in Beautiful British Columbia.