Hanging Valley
This road is no longer accessible by any vehicle other than a quad, side-by-side, or, for the “iron men” among you, by mountain bike. Just before you get to 6km, on the Log Creek Road you will come to a Y in the road, stay to the right. You will cross over a bridge and this will be the last time you see Log Creek. The climb for the next 7 kms is steep, windy and all up hill. As you go you will see views like you haven’t seen before. On every corner you could take a picture which gets even better every kilometer.

Depending on time of year you go will make a big difference to the views you get. As you venture up the hill you will certainly feel that you are in a special place. A world all your own.

The Alpine meadows in the spring are spectacular, full of flowers. As you go up the hill, depending on the time, you will be able to see flowers all the way up. Each kilometer brings something new. These pictures were taken June 1st 2004. We were at 12kms.

These snow caped mountains are always in view around every corner. This picture shows the water shed for Log Creek. Still climbing, you are just about there! Remember, this is June in the alpine. As you nearly get to the top take a few minutes to look around.

It sort of makes you feel that you are on top of the world. Just around the corner is the best alpine around. When the snow melts the picture changes.

Just think what this will look like when the snow melts and the flowers start to bloom.
Come the end of August the snow will start to fly.

We are very lucky that the road is plowed. This is another day trip, bring a lunch, snacks and water. Oh yes remember the camera!!!!!!! Follow the trail and you will be able to walk the alpine for as long as you want. The road does continue on, there is an active mine, recent logging and a fire in September 2003. Have a good trip back to the cabins.

Well I’ve been back, these pictures were taken on August 19th. The last 3 pictures you’ve seen are the next 3 to come, big difference, no snow!

So now lets go up the trail!

About half way up the trail take a look back, already you will notice the beauty of it all. The next picture is looking over at Hanging Valley.

The trail is a little steep good time to take a rest. Venturing on up, looking to your left you will see a dried up pond. I’m sure it had water in it sometime this year.

When walking through the pond its great to see mother nature at her best. A pond full of flowers. Keep walking, everywhere you look is a site to see.

Just by looking at these pictures you can tell that there’s lots of hiking that you can do or just sit and take in the sites.

On the way down just take awhile to enjoy the view.

As you can tell the alpine flowers are on their way out. As you get closer to the bottom of the trail you will be able to see a lot of wild flowers still in bloom.

To be able to see the alpine meadows in full bloom you will have to go up in July. Sorry I missed that month up here.

If you are going to take a walk along the road you will notice that there are a lot of small streams coming out of the ground.

Well its that time again. Have a great trip back to the cabins.

On your way down don’t forget to stop and take in the views.